Saturday, December 20, 2008

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How can I convert a DWG file back to an older release?

welcome to

The easiest way to save a drawing file back to an older format is to use the SAVEAS command and select the format required under 'Files of Type'.

This table shows backward compatibility for AutoCAD releases:

Release DWG formats DXF formats
2008 2007, 2004, 2000, R14 2007, 2004, 2000, R12
2007 2004, 2000, R14 2004, 2000, R12
2005LT 2004, 2000 2004, 2000, R12
2004 2000 2004, R12
2002 2000, R14, R13 2000, R14, R13, R12
2000 R14, R13 R14, R13, R12
R14 R13, R12 R13, R12

The following stand alone software programs can perform drawing file backward conversions:

  • AutoDesk provides DWG TrueView for free:
AutoDesk DWG TrueView

DWG TrueView can convert any version of DWG files created with AutoCAD-based products to 2007, 2004, 2000 and R14, but only as DWG formats.

  • A9CAD provides a free converter that can save back to AutoCAD 2.5, but 2006/2004 is the newest release it can deal with:
  • ActiveDwg is a website with a collection of utilities for drawing files, including file converters, batch plotters and bolt-ons:

ConvertDwg from ActiveDwg can also batch conversions.


As of Feb 2008 DWGGateway does not work with AutoCAD 2008, but it is of no real need in AutoCAD 2008.

  • CADwizz has a converter that can open any AutoCAD release DWG or DXF file from version 2.5 to version 2008, and convert it to any other AutoCAD release drawing file from version 2.5 to version 2007. It can also plot to printer or PDF :

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