Thursday, January 08, 2009

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Blood Effect

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1. Create new file with 72 PPI and white background. The mode has to be Grayscale. Type the text with thick font.

2. Select > Load Selection

(Choose Layer Transparency)

3. Layer > Flatten Image

4. Select > Inverse

5. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize (cell size 4)

6. Select > Inverse

7. Noise > Add Noise

(Guassian, Monochromatic, Amount. 70)

8. Blur > Guassian blur (Radius 2.0)

9. Image > Adjust > Curve
(make the curve as shown in fig.)

10. Press Ctrl + D to deselect

11. Image > Adjust > Invert

12. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

13. Filter > Stylize > Wind

14. Method : Wind Direction : From the Right

15. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

16. Image > Mode > RGB

17. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

18. Click Colorize

19. Drag the Saturation slider to 100

20. Drag the Lightness slider to -5


Thursday, January 08, 2009

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PHP Image manipulation with GD2

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One of the more surprising things you can learn about PHP is that it’s actually very useful when it comes to manipulating images of varying filetypes and formats. And a good thing too, since a lot of the internet is made up of pictures!

The functionality of PHP in terms of image manipulation ranges from very simple resizing of images through to more complex effects and functions using image libraries such as ImageMagick

In this tutorial, I’ll take you through some of the more common uses for PHP when manipulating images, and then introduce you to some of the cooler aspects of this powerful little tool, which could help you to really add a bit of jazz and sparkle to your website!

Let’s start with something simple. We’ll take a particular image, how about, let’s say, an image of a cute puppy and then run some functions on it to determine a few facts about it.


We’ll start here by determining the image type (is it a jpeg, gif, png?), dimensions (height and width) and a few other things by using the getimagesize() function. Note that for this example, the image we’re using - puppy.jpg - must be in the same directory as the PHP script we’re calling this function from


Thursday, January 08, 2009

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PHP and Excel

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Many of my customers hold data in Excel files. Then, when they decide to build a web based, database driven project controlled by PHP, ask me to move their Excel data into the MySQL. Whether it’s possible and how to do it, will be the content of this post.

Since the PHP allows you to create an OLE compatible COM object with its methods and properties, the solution is more than easy. All you need is take a brief look into the PHP COM Manual Pages to be able to understand the following explanatory example. I wrote this code as a PHP CLI script which seems to me more usable for interaction with other applications.

Before we start, let’s introduce input parameter of the function which is responsible for data retrieve from an Excel file and output it as a matrix, representing the Excel table.

  • $file - (string) absolute path to the Excel data file
  • $sheet - (int) order number of the sheet which data we want to extract
  • $rows - (array) rows selected from the sheet
  • $cols - (array) columns selected from the sheet

The names of variables were selected to represent their meaning (semantic names) and facilitate the understanding of script work. But if you’re still confused of input parameters or output, don’t be affraid, following examples will clarify it more. So, let’s move forward to the PHP and Excel interaction.

function getDataFromExcel($file, $sheet, $rows, $cols)
fwrite(STDOUT, "----------------------------------------\r\n");
$excel = new COM("Excel.application") or die ("ERROR: Unable to instantaniate COM!\r\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "Application name: {$excel->Application->value}\r\n") ;
fwrite(STDOUT, "Loaded version: {$excel->Application->version}\r\n");
fwrite(STDOUT, "----------------------------------------\r\n\r\n");

$Workbook = $excel->Workbooks->Open($file) or die("ERROR: Unable to open " . $file . "!\r\n");
$Worksheet = $Workbook->Worksheets($sheet);
$i = 0;
foreach ($rows as $row)
$i++; $j = 0;
foreach ($cols as $col)
$cell = $Worksheet->Range($col . $row);
$matrix[$i][$j] = $cell->value;


return $matrix;

Now, when the key function is defined we can fire an extraction and insertion process:

// define inputs
$xls_path = "C:\\Users\\Johny\\Documents\\Business\\excel_data.xls"; // input file
$xls_sheet = 1; // sheet #1 from file excel_data.xls
$xls_rows = range(2, 270, 1); // I want extract rows 2 - 270 from excel_data.xls with step 1 row
$xls_cols = array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"); // I want to extract columns A - F from excel_data.xls

// initiate MySQL connection
mysql_connect("server", "username", "password") or die("Unable to connect MySQL server!");
mysql_select_db("database") or die("Unable to select requested database!");

// retrieve data from excel
$data = getDataFromExcel($xls_path, $xls_sheet, $xls_rows, $xls_cols);

// insert retrieved data into database
foreach ($data as $line)
$i = 0;
foreach ($line as $col => $entry)
// create the SET string for INSERT query
$string .= "`" . $col . "` = '" . $entry . "'";
if ($i < count($line))
$string .= ", ";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` SET " . $string . "");

The stated above example is simplified to emphasize the core of process, not necessary details may lead to unclear interpretation. It is supposed that readers have at least basic knowledge of PHP and MySQL.

So, as you can see there’s pretty simple way how to import data from excel file directly to database using PHP. The PHP COM interface allows you to do the same with many other types of application (Word, PowerPoint, etc.).


Thursday, January 08, 2009

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Using Stored procedure with mySQL and PHP

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Writing external scripts to perform complex data handling is a tedious affair. The best way to automate tasks straightaway into the server is by using Stored Procedures. It is very useful to make them as flexible as possible, as it facilitates easy identification of any errors and can be used for executing a variety of tasks as well.

What are Stored Procedures?

Stored procedures are set of SQL commands that are stored in the database data server. After the storing of the commands is done, the tasks can be performed or executed continuously, without being repeatedly sent to the server. This also helps in decreasing the traffic in the networks and also reduces the CPU load.

There are many advantages of using stored procedures, which include:

  • The functionality is application and platform related
  • Functionality has to be developed only once, and all applications can call the same commands
  • Task execution becomes easier and less complicated
  • Network Traffic reduced to a greater extent
  • Centralization of all commands made possible, which is helpful for various applications that repeatedly call the same set of complicated commands
  • Runs on any kind of environment

MySQL Stored Procedures

For few years, Oracle and Microsoft SQL servers were having one upper hand over MySQL by having the facility to use the advantage of Stored Procedures. But this advantage has become a thing of the past now. With MySQL 5, you can use Stored Procedures the way you have been utilizing with other servers.

The syntax for using Stored Procedures is as follows:

Syntax for Stored Procedures

    [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
    PROCEDURE sp_name ([proc_parameter[,...]])
    [characteristic ...] routine_body 
    [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]
    FUNCTION sp_name ([func_parameter[,...]])
    RETURNS type
    [characteristic ...] routine_body    
    [ IN | OUT | INOUT ] param_name type    
    param_name type 
    Any valid MySQL data type 
  | COMMENT 'string' 
    Valid SQL procedure statement


MySQL Stored Procedures can be applied in absolutely any place. Right from complex applications to simple procedures, these stored procedures can be utilized in absolutely any place.

Few of the many places that MySQL Stored procedures can be used are:

  • When diverse client applications are structured using various languages in different platforms
  • When security is of highest importance, like in financial institutions, the users and applications would have no direct access to the database tables. This provides excellent secured environment.
  • When very few database servers service the client machines, thereby providing efficient performance

Though not as mature as Oracle, DB2 or the SQL Server, the MySQL Stored Procedures is definitely worth a try. If the structure of the database is the same, the same stored procedures can be used for all.

A simple example for MySQL Stored Procedure

To calculate the area of a circle with given radius R, the following commands can be given

delimiter //

create function Area (R double) returns double



declare A double;

set A = R * R * pi();

return A;



delimiter ;

And to call it from php code to display the area of a circle with radius 22cm,

$rs_area = mysql_query(“select Area(22)”);

$area = mysql_result($rs_area,0,0);

echo “The area of the circle with radius 22cm is ”.$area.””;



Thursday, January 08, 2009

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Using Codeigniter for PHP application development

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With many software frameworks available online nowadays, with many pros and cons on their side, it has become very important to check out complete details of these frameworks before applying them. Amongst the various kinds of software frameworks, the PHP Framework is more popular nowadays. Being simple to work on and easy to use, PHP frameworks are soon becoming the catchword of software frameworks

There are many advantages of using PHP frameworks:

  • Applications can be built quickly and easily
  • Simple to debug
  • Secured
  • Easy to install and use
  • Good for applications utilizing multiple platforms

CodeIgniter (CI)

One of the effective PHP Frameworks is the CodeIgniter. Web applications with advanced features can be readied using the CodeIgniter. Simpler for the beginners, CI follows an MVC (Model View Controller) pattern, thereby enabling in easy learning. Also, due to the usage of conventional PHP coding, the existing codes can be ported using this PHP framework. Also the simplicity with which it works and the speed that it has when compared to the other frameworks, is definitely considerable

Striking features of CodeIgniter

There are many features that are quite distinguishing, in CI. Few of the most important features are explained below:

User Guide

One of the most important features of the CodeIgniter is that it has a very impressive user guide. The way the documentation has been done is simply marvelous and highly useful for coders to know more about the working.


CodeIgniter is simple and a major portion of the work gets completed in the controllers and uploading the libraries. Since the workings are clear and open, it is very easy to understand what is happening and therefore, simple to use.

Model Handling

While working with models, CodeIgniter uses a straight way of handling. Standard SQL queries can be mimed using few simple commands. Also creation of model objects, loading it and introducing methods to deal with a customized task is also possible.

Data Validation

Data validation is a major thing while working on models. Here a validation class is used to validate data. First, few rules are defined and assigned to the object to be validated. The data that is sent through the URL is automatically validated by the validation object. Even certain error messages can also be automated the same way, using data validation class.

There are many other advantages of using CI:

  • Migration from one server to another is easier and hassle-free. Also installation is easier as well.
  • CI is very easy to handle and also to customize. In case a new functionality has to be applied, it can be done without affecting the customization.
  • With MVC based framework, it offers flexibility and easy management
  • Active Record Implementation is simply superb and easy to remember.
  • Configuration and customization of these configuration files are also easy, thus facilitating easy working with various types of developers.
  • The collection of libraries that it posses is also good enough.
  • And as previously said, awesome documentation of the user guide, which makes any coder easy to use the whole framework.

Given below is a simple example to display user information from database. Using CodeIgniter, the programmer and designer can simultaneously work on the same project, without having to wait for each other to complete their parts. Here the first part “Create a controller named user.php and store it in Controllers folder” is prepared by the programmer, and the second part “Create a view named user.php and store it in views folder” is prepared by the designers simultaneously.

# Create a controller named user.php and store it in Controllers folder

class User extends Controller {

function User()




function view() {

$this->load->database(); # This line is not needed if database library is put into autoload

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT username, email FROM tbl_users");

if($query->num_rows() >0) {

foreach($query->result_array() as $row) {

$users[] = $row;


$data['users'] = $users;


$this->load->view('user', $data);




# Create a view named user.php and store it in views folder

if(is_array($users)) {

foreach($users as $key => $value) {



else {





User Name Email
No users found

The output comes as below:

User Name

Email Id



So, if you are looking for a PHP Framework with exceptional performance, compatible with any standard hosting services along with various versions of PHP and with any template language, almost nil configuration hassles, does not ask you to follow rigid coding rules and crystal-clear user guide and documentation; then you are referring to the CodeIgniter PHP Framework

Thursday, January 08, 2009

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Draw Orange

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Final image

Step 1

Make new Layer. Color layer in orange.

Step 2

Duplicate Layer. Send Duplicate Layer behind and go to Layer Stile. Use Gradient Overlay like in picture.

Step 3

To make orange skin select first layer. go to Filter>Renden>Clouds.

Step 4

Then go to Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap

Step 5

Make Layer Blend Mode to Overlay.

Step 6

Go to Layer>Layer Stile>Inner Glow and made stile like in picture.

Step 7

After making orange skin effect, make background. Just make new layer and with Rectangular Marquee Tool select edge of background.

Step 8

Make shadow with Elliptical Marquee Tool. Make new Layer. Color him in black color. Put Opacity on 25%.

Step 9

In Layer Stile make Inner glow stile like in picture.

Step 10

To made round shape on top of orange, with Elliptical Marquee Tool make new layer. color him in black color.

Step 11

Then folow next steps in Layer Style Blending Option. First Inner Shadow.

Step 12

Outer Glow

Step 13

Inner Glow

Step 14

Bevel and Emboss

Step 15

Gradient Overlay

Step 16

To made Water Drops follow next step's.

Step 17

Make new layer. With Pen tool draw some drops.

Step 18

Color Layer in black, than put Layer opacity to 0%.

Step 19

Then go to Layer Style>Bevel and Emboss and make effect like in picture.

Step 20

Repeat all this water drops effect wor a few times.

Step 21

And allmoast...

Step 22



Thursday, January 08, 2009

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Colorized text

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Final image

Open new file

Step 1

Make new background with gradient effect.

Step 2

Tipe text letter by letter. Every symbol must be own layer.

Step 3

Select first symbol. In this case letter C. Give him gradient effect. Make sure to chose pastel colors.

Chose gray color for all symbols. Second color is chanching for every letter.

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

This is how look when you color them all.

Step 8

Now move your letters like in picture, and put them all in one group set.

Step 9

Duplicate group and put behind first group.

Step 10

In duplicated group select letters who's marked in picture and give them Outer Glow effect.

Step 11

In duplicated group to first and last letter C&S give Gradient Overlay effect with black amd blue color like in bacground.

Then move C to left side.

Step 12

Do same with S just reverse.

Step 13

Then give to C Outer Glow effect with bacgroun blue color.

Step 14

Do same with S.

Step 15

After all this select all groups and duplicate them.

Step 16

Move duplicated groups down with the line of text and rotate them like in picture. 180degree and then horizontal.

Step 17

Merge duplicated groups.

Step 18

Then give him Gradient Overlay effect.

Step 19

Ok. Select all groups and tranform them to larger scale

Now Merge them all.

Step 20

Now you have just one layer. First transform with Perspective transformation.

Step 21

Then with free transform resize like in picture.

Step 22

Open new layer and use select Shape Registration Target.

Step 23

Do like in picture, color him in black and put him behind text.

Step 24

This is final work.
