Monday, December 22, 2008

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Create Flash Website Tutorial part 5

welcome to

Step 36.
This is the final part of this Flash tutorial. Next, go back to the "main" Movie Clip symbol and create some "home" text on the "menu" layer, using these settings. Convert the text into a Button symbol called "home_Btn".

Step 37.
Double click on the "home_btn" Button symbol and create a 2nd key frame (f6). This will be for when the user puts the mouse over the button, so change the color of the text to red.

Step 38.
Create another key frame on the hit frame, create a 2nd layer and drag it below the 1st layer. It will be difficult to click the text because it is so small, so we need to create an invisible rectangle below it. Create a blank key frame (f7) on the "hit" state of the 2nd layer and then create rectangle. With a rectangle on the "hit" state, it will be invisible, but the user will still be able to click it.

Step 39.
Create 2 more buttons, but with the text "Portfolio" and "Downloads". Then give each button an instance name, with the home one being "home_btn", portfolio "portfolio_btn" and downloads "download_btn".

Step 40.
Give the Move Clip symbol on the sections layer the instance name "sections".

Step 41.
Finally, add this code onto the 1st frame on the "script" layer. This code will tell the sections Movie Clip to go to the "home" label, when the website first appears. When each button is pressed the section with go to the corresponding label.

Step 42.


Monday, December 22, 2008

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Create Flash Website Tutorial part 4

welcome to

Step 27.
This is the 4th part of this Flash tutorial. Now, go back to the sections Movie Clip, and convert the "Portfolio" text into a Movie Clip symbol, called "portfolio".

Step 28.
Double click on the text to access the "portfolio" Movie Clip Symbol. As we did for the "home" section, extend create an extra frame (f5)

Step 29.
Create a key frame (f6), and then add a thumbnail and some text.

Step 30.
For every 2 frames, add a new thumbnail and a bit of text. For the tutorial I've added 6 thumbnails plus the Heading text, so there are 7 sets of 2 frames.

Step 31.
Next, at frame 13 & 14, where all the thumbnails are showing, select each one and give them an instance name, in the properties panel. For the 1st thumbnail i've given it the instance name thumb1.

Step 32.
After giving each thumbnail an instance name, add this code on the last frame on a layer above. This code make each thumbnail Movie Clip symbol act like button, and will open up a browser window, going to the address stated in the getURL() statement. You can adjust your thumbnails to open up what ever web page you like.

Step 33.
I've create a 3rd section called "downloads, which you can add whatever you like into, with the techniques that have been shown.

Step 34.
Next, go back to the "sections" Movie Clip, select the "home" Movie Clip Symbol and give it the instance name "home".

Step 35.
Do the same with the other 2 sections, giving them the instance names "portfolio" and "downloads".


Monday, December 22, 2008

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Create Flash Website Tutorial part 3

welcome to

Step 16.
This is the 3rd part of this Flash tutorial. Next, we're going to create the content sections, so go back to the "main" Movie Clip . Create some "Home" text usings these settings, on the layer "sections", and convert the text into a Movie Clip symbol called "sections".
Step 17.
Double click on the text to go into the "sections" Movie Clip. Create a 2nd layer naming it "labels" and the first one "content".
Step 18.
Insert 8 more frames (f5) on each layer. Click on frame 1 of the labels layer and then enter "home" in the properties tab, under "frame". This is label we will use later on with Actionscript, to tell the the timeline to go to each section, when we want to display it.
Step 19.
Make a key frame (f6) at frame 10 of each layer.
Step 20.
While the timeline is still at frame 10, change the text on teh stage to "Portfolio". If you go back to frame 1 the text there should still be "Home".
Step 21.
Create some more frame (f5) upto frame 19 on each layer, and create a label at frame 10, called "portfolio".
Step 22.
Do the same thing for a downloads section.
Step 23.
Next, go back to frame 1 and selection the "Home" text. Convert it to a Movie Clip symbol called" "home".
Step 24.
Next we're going to add the rest of the content in the home section, in a way so that it appears bit by bit. So, double click on the "home" Movie Clip symbol and create an extra frame (f5).
Step 25.
Create a key frame (f6) at frame 3 and then add some text. Make sure that the text is at X & Y position using a whole number (ie not 5.4). If it's not at a whole number, the text will appeare blurred.
Step 26.
Create another frame for that bit of text. Then create another key frame and add a section paragraph of text. So every 2 frame a bit of the content will appear. ONce all the content is displayed (frame 6), we want it to stop. So, create a black key frame (f7) at frame 6 of the "script" layer and then add a stop() action in the actions panel.
