| Double click on the "home_btn" Button symbol and create a 2nd key frame (f6). This will be for when the user puts the mouse over the button, so change the color of the text to red. | | |
| | Create another key frame on the hit frame, create a 2nd layer and drag it below the 1st layer. It will be difficult to click the text because it is so small, so we need to create an invisible rectangle below it. Create a blank key frame (f7) on the "hit" state of the 2nd layer and then create rectangle. With a rectangle on the "hit" state, it will be invisible, but the user will still be able to click it. | | |
| | Create 2 more buttons, but with the text "Portfolio" and "Downloads". Then give each button an instance name, with the home one being "home_btn", portfolio "portfolio_btn" and downloads "download_btn". | | |
| | Give the Move Clip symbol on the sections layer the instance name "sections". | | |
| | Finally, add this code onto the 1st frame on the "script" layer. This code will tell the sections Movie Clip to go to the "home" label, when the website first appears. When each button is pressed the section with go to the corresponding label. | | |
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